This series of hikes was designed by Venture Outdoors and friend/Trip Leader Kim ( ). It is for folks age 50+ who are currently active and can comfortably walk 3 miles over varied terrain. These hikes will feature less-frequented areas in the Pittsburgh region. Please see the list below for locations and dates.
Friday May 31st 10a-Noon: Boyce Mayview Park
Friday June 21st 10a-Noon: Fall Run Park
Friday July 19th 10a-Noon: Jennings (Wood Whisper Loop) – This ancient prairie ecosystem is rare in Pennsylvania and we will have the opportunity see it in full bloom!
Friday August 16th 10a-Noon: Montour Woods (Meeks Run and Oil Well)
Friday September 20th 10a-Noon: South Park Red Loop (2.3mi)
Friday October 18th 10a-Noon: Ohiopyle Meadow Run + Bonus by natural water slides (3mi) Optional transportation to and from South Side of Pittsburgh will be provided, as this is a further location.
Kim is a mom of five who is working toward a goal of hiking all 124 Pennsylvania State Parks. During that process, she has gained a strong following of folks who are invested in her goal and interested in her unique perspective on the trails, their assets and their shortcomings (ask her about killer flies!). She has curated this series of hikes for experience hikers, age 50+ who are looking to explore the Pittsburgh region in locations maybe they haven’t frequented as often.