Take 2 minutes to complete this pre-trip checklist to ensure that you are prepared for today! Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the On Call person – that’s what we’re here for! DRAFT_Pre Shift Checklist Do you have your First Aid kit on your person?(Required)Not in your car, sitting in the classroom, etc… actually ON YOU where it can be accessed easily. Yes No Do you know where your bailout points are?(Required)If no: 1. Ask your co-leaders 2. Consult your trip leader update e-mail 3. Call the on-call staff member Yes No Do you have waivers in an accessible link or document?(Required)Some groups may be arriving with their waivers. Call out each name in the group when they arrive to ensure everyone – including adults – has a signed waiver before beginning your activity. Yes No Not yet, we will be collecting waivers when they arrive today Have you established which trip leader will be calling names off from the waivers/waiver list?(Required)Whether reading from a list that was sent in your trip leader update, or reading from waivers that get handed to you today, make sure a leader is verifying that everyone has a signed waiver. Yes No Who is your on call person?Do you have a water supply or at least some back up?(Required) Yes No