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7 Accessible Walking Trails Through Frick Park
Known for being one of the biggest parks in Pittsburgh, Frick Park has many paths and trails for everyone. Whether you are hiking with children, hiking with a recovering injury, or hiking with limited mobility, these seven trails offer access and ease.
Each route we’ve chosen offers varying length, activity type, and conditions, to get you outdoors again. We’ve also highlighted bathrooms, benches, points of interest, parking, and details on terrain. Which path will you try out?
Braddock Trail
Distance: 3.0 Miles
This trail starts at the Biddle Building Parking area just next to the tennis courts. The parking lot is not typically full. There is a water fountain and port-a-potty by the fields and the tennis courts. This trail has just a few steeper sections, but for the most part, is flat and wide. Along this trail you will find at least 2 benches to stop and rest. If you want to get a bite to eat on this journey, Regent Square is just up ahead by taking a left on the trail at the last intersection and walking up the road.
Bradema-Biddle Loop
Distance: 1.0 Mile
Between the Clayton Loop at the top of the hill and the Tranquil Trail at the bottom of the hill is the Bradema Trail—it’s narrower, a little rooty, and more ON THE CHALLENGING SIDE for beginners and people who are not comfortable with slippery trail conditions. But the beauty of the trail is in the trees, with canopy above and large trees below, enveloping hikers in the forest. This trail has steps and is NOT accessible. This trail is for someone who is comfortable with some elevation change, bumpy terrain, single track trail, and stairs.
Clayton Loop
Distance: 1.0 Mile
The Clayton Loop Trail is a gravel trail from the Environmental Center and is a peaceful walk through a mature forest. Though there can be a fair number of people on this trail, it hardly feels crowded— it feels more like a walk through the countryside than the middle of the city.
Environmental Center Woodland Trail
Distance: 1.0 Mile
The Woodland Trail begins and ends at the Frick Environmental Center. You can get a park map if you go into the Environmental Center. This is a short and easy walk that takes you to an observation deck and back, with optional stairs. Bathrooms are located in the Environmental Center as well as outside by the demonstration gardens. In the summer, they turn on the water fountain at the Environmental Center so you can enjoy a cool mist on a warm summer day. Once the walk begins you will have plenty of shade. In the spring, you will find plenty of aromatic flowers blooming here, which attract butterflies and bees.
Nine Mile Run Trail
Distance: 3.9 Miles
Though the name is daunting, Nine Mile Run is a relaxing trail with much history behind it. You will start your journey by taking a right down Lancaster Ave in Regent Square and down the steep lane to the “Lower Frick Park Play Area”. Walk toward the port-a-potties at the very end of the parking lot and onto the trail that borders a small woodland stream and the open fields. As you walk, you will see a trail on your left. This is the park of NineMile Run Trail that we will walk. You’ll pass a big pile of slag to your left, and if you glance to your right you can make out the Summerset at Frick Park development through the trees. These slag heaps are reminders of Pittsburgh’s industrial past and of the long and difficult journey this area endured on its way to becoming parkland.
Riverview Trail Loop from Blue Slide Playground
Distance: 1.5 Miles
Riverview Trail at Frick Park starts in upper Frick Park. Parking is available on the street, though on nice summer days, parking can be challenging in this area. The Blue Slide Playground is a wonderful place for kids with a long history.
If you choose this walk, bring a picnic blanket and some snacks. The open meadows on this walk will tempt the user to sit and stair at the clouds for while. There are ample benches along the walk, which is paved most of the way. When you enter the forested area of the walk, the path turns to gravel, use more caution here.
Tranquil Trail
Distance: 2.6 Miles
Tranquil trail is an easy and well maintained 1.1 mi. out and back trail through the heart of Frick Park. This walk takes you alongside Fern Hollow Creek from Lower Frick Park to the Homewood cemetery/Point Breeze neighborhood. This graded trail is mostly flat until the end where it becomes inclined about 1 mile in until you reach Homewood Cemetery and Reynolds St. The babbling creek creates a tranquil environment for this immersive and easy walk through the valley of Frick Park. This trail is alongside a creek and should be avoided if there has been heavy rainfall in the area.