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Venture Outdoors seeks a Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion consultant

Venture Outdoors is seeking a Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Consultant


Venture Outdoors in partnership with Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy and Grow Pittsburgh is soliciting proposals to establish a contract with one qualified and experienced Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Consultant.

This DEI consultant will be asked to lead the staff in a one-year, with the potential to extend to a second year, process to address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the organization, with particular focus on racial equity and guidance on how to best support Black Pittsburghers and park users.

Q&A Session for Potential DEI Consultants

Time: Feb 11, 2021, 3PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

RSVP for the virtual Q&A session for interested DEI Consultants. During this session Venture Outdoors, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, and Grow Pittsburgh will give a brief overview of their organization and goals then allow consultants to ask follow up questions.


If you or someone you know would be a good fit, please review the full Request For Proposals and submit a proposal by Mar 1st, 2021 at 4pm. Hard copy and digital proposals will be accepted.

  • Hard copy proposals will be accepted by mail to: Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Attn: Ashley Carvalho 45 S 23 rd Street Pittsburgh PA 15203
  • Digital proposals must be submitted in a pdf format to: with a subject line: DEI RFP

Direct all questions regarding this RFP to Ashley Carvalho via email: by 4:00 p.m. ET on March 1, 2021. The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy will not accept questions after 4:00 p.m. ET on March 1, 2021.


We look to a consultant to work with and provide guidance to the Diversity and Inclusion subcommittee and the Leadership Team to meet the project goals described in the Scope of Work below and to provide training for staff. We are looking for applicants who demonstrate the following:

  • At least 5 years’ experience in the field of inclusiveness and diversity training.
  • Experience working with non-profit organizations, civic engagement and public service, and/or with environmental/park professionals
  • Thorough understanding of issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity, including deep awareness and analysis of systems of oppression, power, and privilege and use of research-based strategies to transform work environments
  • Proven knowledge of, and successful implementation of, diversity, inclusion, and equity work with diverse groups, teams, and/or organizations
  • Strong communication skills, particularly in working with diverse populations
  • Commitment to social change work
  • Located in the Pittsburgh Area – travel expenses should be included in the proposed budget.


We are looking to hire a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consultant to work with us over the course of one year, with the potential to go on for a second year, toward the following goals: Work with Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Venture Outdoors and Grow Pittsburgh

  1. Create a space for each partner organization where staff can reflect and learn about the diversity of its colleagues and community at large.
  2. Provide tools and training to significantly shift how systemic racism is identified and then removed internally and externally. Specifically, allow staff to make the shift from being a place that lacks diversity to a safe space that welcomes a diverse group of employees, participants/clients and partners.
  3. Allow partnering organizations to provide programs and services that meet the needs of populations who have not had the opportunity to participate in public programming.
  4. Create the necessary changes within the organizations, so that Black Pittsburghers and other groups, that can be classified as “diverse”, feel included and safe when participating in outdoor experiences and programming, as well as employment at each organization.
  5. Create an “allyship” among the collective organizations about shared goals.

An overall desired outcome of this work is for the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Grow Pittsburgh, and Venture Outdoors to move toward an inclusive, “WE” identity where shared values and commitments are clear and articulated. We hope to strengthen the spirit of collegiality, and to continue building a culture of trust and connection through this work. Additionally, we hope the work we do with a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consultant builds our capacity to serve our constituents and community partners. The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Grow Pittsburgh, and Venture Outdoors seeks to engage a qualified consultant to:

  • conduct an organizational assessment of agency practices and internal climate around diversity, equity and inclusion (“DEI”), building from prior work described in the Addendum;
  • create a DEI plan which would provide the organizational assessments’ findings and a short and long-term roadmap for making concrete improvements in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion; and
  • provide education and trainings for staff.

The scope of work is outlined in the full RFP. Please review throughly. 

Samone Riddle

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