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5 Reasons YOU (An Adult over the Age of 50) Are Totally Ready for Our Advanced Hikes
Our Age 50+ program has absolutely exploded in the last year! We have expanded to offering Beginner, Moderate and Advanced Hikes, a Learn to Row course, Historical City Steps Hikes… and that’s only the beginning. This October, volunteer and collaborator Tory Mather (@torytalkstrails) is offering advanced hikes for grown-ups (over 50). Here’s why you should be going:
#1 You want to be challenged…appropriately.
You are a capable adult and enjoy a good challenge, not to mention that rewarding feeling when you are done. However, you don’t want some trail runner 20 years your junior setting the pace. The Age 50+ Advanced Hikes were designed specifically for folks over 50 and will have an appropriate pace, breaks and support available. They are longer than our typical hikes (5-7 miles as opposed to 1-3miles) but nobody will be rushing you. No pressure!
#2 You want to get stronger and age well.
The cognitive, muscular and cardiovascular benefits of outdoor experiences for older adults are well documented. Make getting outdoors and challenging yourself a part of your life! By joining in these activities offered regularly by Venture Outdoors, you are incorporating a wellness practice into your life that you can keep for many, many years to come.
#3 You want to be part of a community and build new relationships.
One of the most difficult parts of this season of life is keeping your head above water through all the CHANGE. Some folks have lost their partner. Some folks have kids who recently graduated and suddenly have, what’s that called…oh, FREE TIME on their hands. Some folks are retiring or shifting their career. Some have overcome recent illness and are looking forward to stepping back into more activities. Our 50+ hiking series offers the opportunity to find others who may have a similar experience to your own.
#4 You never thought of yourself as OUTDOORSY.
You don’t have to be an outdoorsy person to enjoy the outdoors. Biophilia a hypothesis that human beings are biologically predisposed to being in outdoor spaces. Numerous studies have determined that leisure activities in natural settings or exposure to natural features have important stress reduction or restoration effects — In other words: It feels good to be outside. If you have ever felt yourself unconsciously breathe in deeply when stepping outside on a crisp autumn morning, you know what I mean. If you’ve ever found a great park bench. Or celebrate the first spring crocus. Or felt that swell going over the West End Bridge when the sun is setting and reflecting off the ripples in the Mon River… Yeah, you know what I mean.
#5 You are not retired yet, so you really can’t get to all those Age 50+ weekday programs!
We specifically planned these hikes on weekend days to accommodate the folks who are not available on weekdays. We have read your surveys and want to be as accommodating as possible, offering a variety of programs at varying times of day on both weekdays and weekends.
Please note: If you are not 50+, you are still welcome to join us. The program is designed for this age group and will be a slower pace with more frequent rests and less challenging terrain than other hiking programs.
Get Started

Age 50+ Advanced Hike with Tory
Hartwood Acres
Oct 27, 10am – 2pm

Age 50+ Advanced Hike with Tory
Moraine State Park
Nov 2, 10am – 2pm