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Sheri Dutter reaches over 120 hrs of volunteer time in 1 yr with Venture Outdoors

We’re thrilled to highlight Sheri Dutter, an outstanding volunteer trip leader in 2023. Sheri led 9 trips and assisted on 12 more during the year, contributing over 120 hours of her time. This number doesn’t fully account for her commitment as she invested additional hours planning as part of her volunteer service. 

Sheri’s trips included diverse activities such as hiking, kayaking, and biking adventures. She led and assisted on EveryBody Outdoors trips and developed a city Greenway exploration series among many other unique trips.  

Sheri’s dedication and leadership have greatly enhanced our volunteer program, positively impacting the organization and participants. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Sheri for a job truly well done! 

Meet Sheri Dutter

When did you start volunteering with Venture Outdoors?
Way back in 2015 after hearing about Venture Outdoors from someone who was a trip leader.

What has been your most memorable trip?
Leading a group through Dead Man’s Hollow. That was one of the first trips I led that required following trail blazes to find my way through the park. Being able to share the spooky stories of events that took place in that area while taking people along a trail that had an elevation of 550 feet. People were surprised they had climbed that far. 

What is your favorite thing about volunteering as a trip leader?
Being able to share the outdoors with other people and lead them through places they may never have known even existed or may have wanted to do but didn’t want to do it by themselves.

What inspired you to achieve over 100 hours of volunteer service this last year? 
Once I found out I had around 80 hours of volunteer service, I was on a mission to get to 100 hours. I couldn’t believe I had even gotten to 80 hours, so I wanted to see if I could get to 100 hours.

What advice do have to share with new volunteer trip leaders?
Don’t be afraid to lead outings. Start with something easy, scout the route a couple of times especially close to the outing so you know if there is anything that might cause concern for participants and lean on veteran leaders for help, advice or even to scout the outing with you.

Where is your favorite place to hike, bike and/or SUP in Western PA?
I like to start my bike rides in either Millvale Riverfront Park or the Color Park and ride along the river.  

Thank you, Sheri!!

Alyssa Crawford

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